The first indicator of an engaging Blog post

The first indicator of an engaging Blog post

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Generating quality content needs skill, research and time. And there are countless informative and high quality articles submitted on the internet every hour that are not read as much as they should. Often, they are lost under the mountain for fresh content that pile on them. Established writers have repeatedly highlighted the criticality of a hard-hitting and compelling title that can generate the initial interest in your Blog post. Whether you retain the visitor to read your piece till the end depends on the merit of your content, and is a different question. Creating engaging articles on trending topics on a regular basis can be challenging. The entire creative chain starting from the quality of information you share, accuracy of data, the layout of presentation and its visual appeal involves great effort. And yet, often your readers do not go so far as to appreciate your efforts because they don’t find the title tempting enough. Perhaps it is time we gave more importance to the title as the first indicator of an engaging Blog post. Have you ever thought of this fact that why some writers tickle your imagination while others fail to create a lasting impression? The credit goes to the writing prowess of a prolific writer. In a noisy world, a nicely composed article might not be enough to attract readers, be it a newsletter feature, blog entry, a press release or a chapter of a book. Among the several tricks to invite and engage a reader, a catchy headline plays a key role. 8 out of 10 readers get attracted to news title before they actually...



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